Corpus Exploitation |
The final report of the DEREKO project (ps.gz pdf) gives
an overview of our results with respect to corpus exploitation in chapter 4.
Further information about the search tools and the
extraction process is given in the following manuals and papers.
Wolfgang Lezius (2002). Ein Suchwerkzeug f�r syntaktisch annotierte
Textkorpora. Ph.D. thesis. Arbeitspapiere des Instituts f�r Maschinelle
Sprachverarbeitung (AIMS), 2002, vol. 8, no. 4. IMS, University of Stuttgart,
Germany. (html
(abstract), ps.gz,
Esther K�nig, Wolfgang Lezius and Holger Voormann (2003).
TIGERSearch User's Manual. IMS, University of Stuttgart Stuttgart.
Esther K�nig and Wolfgang Lezius (2002). The TIGER language - A
Description Language for Syntax Graphs. Formal Definition.
Technical report. Institut f�r Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University
of Stuttgart.
Hannah Kermes and Stefan Evert (2001). Exploiting large corpora: A circular
process of partial syntactic analysis, corpus query and extraction of
lexikographic information. In Paul Rayson; Andrew Wilson; Tony McEnery; Andrew
Hardie and Shereen Khoja, editors, Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics
2001 conference. pp. 332 -- 340. Lancaster.
Hannah Kermes and Stefan Evert (2002). YAC - A Recursive Chunker for
Unrestricted German Text. Proceedings of the Third International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation. Volume V, pp. 1805-1812.