BibTeX Entry

  author	= {Meurers, Walt Detmar and Minnen, Guido},
  title		= {A Computational Treatment of {HPSG} Lexical Rules as Covariation in Lexical Entries},
  booktitle	= {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming},
  year		= {1995},
  address	= {Lissabon, Portugal},
  note		= {A revised version of this article was published in Computational Linguistics, 23(4), pp. 543-568 (1997); see [Meurers and Minnen, 1997]},
  URL		= {/projects/hpsg/archive/bibliography/papers/meurers-minnen_comp.ps},
  urlzip	= {/projects/hpsg/archive/bibliography/papers/meurers-minnen_comp.ps.gz},
  homepage	= {http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/~dm/},