Guido Minnen, Dale Gerdemann
Direct Automated Inversion of Logic Grammars
Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Bericht Nr. 35 (1993), 69pp.
Postscript (413kb)
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Reversibility of logic grammars in natural language processing is desirable
for both theoretical and practical reasons. This report addresses this topic
in describing a new approach to automated inversion of logic grammars: the
Direct Inversion approach (DIA). A logic grammar is inverted by automatically
altering the order of literals in the grammar and reformulating certain
recursive procedures at compile time. The inversion process results in
a new executable grammar, which is evaluated top-down and left-to-right
(using a standard Prolog interpreter), but not left-to-right with respect
to the original grammar. The DIA improves upon related approaches not
only in being fully automated and computationally tractable, but also with
respect to the class of grammars it is able to invert and the performance
of the new executable grammar produced.
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstrasse 113
72074 Tübingen