Carsten Grefe & Marcus Kracht
Adjunction Structures and Syntactic Domains
Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Bericht Nr. 80 (1996), 37pp.
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Since Chomsky's Barriers System, crucial use is made of the
distinction between nodes and categories. In particular,
Chomsky has shown that subjacency can be redefined in such
a way that it looks like a tight command relation in the sense
of Kracht (1993) and yet allows for cyclical movement.
However, this new shift has been accompanied by a great
confusion concerning the structures about which we are
now talking. In this paper we will propose a definition of
adjunction structures that allows to encompass the
distinction between nodes and categories. Moreover, we will adress
many questions that ensue once these structures are defined.
II. Mathematisches Institut
FU Berlin
Arnimallee 3
D -- 14195 Berlin