Tom Cornell
Representational Minimalism
Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Bericht Nr. 83 (1997), 38pp.
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In this paper we examine in some detail the structures that
would be needed to solve the locality problem for X-0 chains
in a representationalist framework. We will do so in a manner
which shows strong connections with our previous derivational
characterization of Lww, suggesting
that an equivalence could perhaps be proved for a suitably constrained
minimalist calculus. The key to this problem is of course the relation
of the operation Move to the definition of well-formed
chains. If we can show in particular that we can capture Lww
with a system of well-formedness conditions, focusing in particular
on the conditions related to X-0 chains, then we should be in a good
position to
construct a deductive calculus for which derivational minimalism
provides the proof theory and representational minimalism the model
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
University of Tuebingen
Wilhelmstr. 113
72074 Tübingen