Esther König
A Matrix Proof Method for Underspecified Discourse Representation Structures
Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Bericht Nr. 96 (1997), 25pp.
DVI (124kb). (coming soon)
Matrix-based proof methods do not enumerate proof trees as such but collect
constraints on possible proof trees. A satisfiable set of constraints stands
for a non-empty set of proof trees. Recently, this method of structural
underspecification on the meta-level (the level of proofs) has found a counterpart on
the object-level (the formulas): Reyle's Underspecified Discourse Representation
Structures (UDRS's) [11], a linguistically motivated variant of Predicate Logic.
We merge the two levels of structural underspecification in order to obtain a
matrix-based proof system which reasons as directly as possible on the original
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstraße 113
72074 Tübingen