Presented by
MiLCA - Overview
Lothar Lemnitzer
E-Learning (or eLearning?) in the European Union
Lothar Lemnitzer
Computational Linguistics for E-Learning
Lothar Lemnitzer
Integrating MiLCA in European Computational Linguistics Education - Needs and Prospects
Petra Wagner, Bonn
University of Heidelberg
Suzanne Heiob, Heidelberg
E-University concept & the University of Latvia
(not presented on the Symposium)
Latvian Education Informatization System
(not presented on the Symposium)
The planning of virtual seminars
Katrin Vogt
From E-Content to E-Learning in Computational Linguistics. Localisation of Teaching Materials for less processed languages
Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova and Nikolai Vazov, Sofia
Multi-Lingual & multi-institutional distant learning (example of an international master programme in Computational Linguistics)
Nikolai Vazov, Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova, Sofia
Production of Learning Modules in the MiLCA project. The MiLCA Markup Language and Workflow
Maik Stührenberg, Gießen
(E-)Learning and Computational Linguistics in Poland
Adam Przepiórkowski, Warsaw
Teaching (Computational) Linguistics in Prague
Alexandr Rosen, Prague
NLP in E-learning. Current State and Visions
Pavel Smrz, Brno
Portalingua / Linguistics Online
Erick Dennis, Bielefeld