Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs
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Workshops, Panels and Summer School Courses
- Hinrichs, E., T. Trippel & M. Hinrichs (organizers): "Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH)". Workshop held at COLING 2016, Osaka, Japan.
- Hinrichs, E. & V. Henrich (organizers): "Computational, Cognitive, and Linguistic Approaches to the Analysis of Complex Words and Collocations". Workshop held at the 26th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-2014), Tübingen, Germany.
- Hinrichs, E. & G. Jäger (organizers): "Computational approaches to the study of dialectal and typological variation". Workshop held at the 24th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-2012), Opole, Poland.
- Co-Organizer of the D-SPIN Summer School "Sprachressourcen für die Geisteswissenschaften", Bad Homburg, Germany.
- Co-Organizer of the CLARIN/D-SPIN Workshop "Web Services", Freudenstadt, Germany.
- Co-Organizer of the CLARIN/D-SPIN Workshop "Web Services and Work Flows" held at University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
- Co-Organizer of the "Language Resources Summit" held at the Institut für deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim, Germany.
- Co-Organizer of the CLARIN/D-SPIN Workshop "Finite-State Approaches in Language Technology", Freudenstadt, Germany.
- Organizer and moderator of the Panel "Key Issues in Building a Common Language Resources and Tools Infrastructure" at the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), Marrakesh, Marocco.
- Hinrichs, E., K. DeSmedt, S. Kübler & F. Bond (organizers): "Unified Linguistic Annotations: Transcontinental Perspectives". Workshop held at the Sixth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2007), University of Bergen, Norway.
- Nerbonne, J. & E. Hinrichs (organizers): "Linguistic Distances". Workshop at the joint conference of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics and the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sydney, July, 2006.
- Chief Organizer of the "Romania Computational Linguistics Summer School" (RoCoLi). Sinaia, Romania.
- Hinrichs, E.: "Computational Tools for Corpus Linguistics". Course held at the RoCoLi 2005 Summer School, Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania
- Hinrichs, E. & S. Kübler: "Linguistic Treebanks and Data-Intensive Parsing". Workshop held at the 17th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-2005), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Hinrichs, E. (organizer): "Machine Learning Techniques for Computational Linguistics". Invited Thematic Session held at the Intelligent Information Systems Conference (IIS 2004), Zakopane, Poland.
- Hinrichs, E. & K. Simov (organizers): "Shallow and Deep Processing". Workshop held at the 16th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-2004), University of Nancy, France.
- Simov, K., E. Hinrichs & T. Berger (organizers). International Summer School in "Empirical Linguistics and Natural Language Processing". Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Hinrichs, E. & S. Kübler (organizers): "Machine Learning Approaches in Computational Linguistics". Workshop held at the 14th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-2002), University of Trento, Italy.
- Hinrichs, E., V. Kordoni, D. Meurers & T. Ule (organizers): "Syntactic Annotation of Electronic Corpora". International workshop held at Schloss Hohentübingen, University of Tübingen, Germany.
- Hinrichs, E., D. Meurers & S. Wintner (organizers): "Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation". Workshop held at the 12th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-2000), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- Hinrichs, E., F. Richter & K. Simov (organizers). International Summer School in "Computational Linguistics and Represented Knowledge" (CLaRK-2000), Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Hinrichs, E. & D. Meurers (organizers): International Workshop on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. University of Tübingen, Germany.
- Hinrichs, E. & D. Meurers: "Grammar Development in Constraint-Based Formalisms". Advanced Course in Computational Linguistics held at the Linguistics Institute of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
- Hinrichs, E., P. King & K. Simov (organizers): "International Summer School in Computational Linguistics and Represented Knowledge" (CLaRK-99). University of Tübingen, Germany.
- Hinrichs, E. & D. Meurers: "Grammar Development in Constraint-Based Formalisms". Advanced Course in Computational Linguistics held at the 9th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-97), University of the Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Chief Organizer of "East-West Workshop on Computational Linguistics". Two-week workshop funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and held at the University of Tübingen, Germany.
- Hinrichs, E. & D. Meurers (organizers): "International Workshop on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar", held at the Schloss Hohentübingen, University of Tübingen, Germany.
- Feldweg, H. & E. Hinrichs (organizers): "Lexicon and Text: Reusable Resources for the Linguistic Analysis of German", held at the Schloss Hohentübingen, University of Tübingen, Germany.
- Hinrichs, E. & T. Nakazawa (organizers): "Grammar Formalisms for Natural Language Processing". Workshop held at the 6th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-94), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Hinrichs, E. & R. Carpenter (organizers): "Implementations of Attribute-Value Logic". Workshop held at the 5th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-93), University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Hinrichs, E. & D. Gerdemann: "Natural Language Generation". Advanced Course in Computational Linguistics held at the 4th European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI-92), University of Essex, Colchester, UK.