Nr. 31 (1993) |

P. J. King, T. Götz: Eliminating the Feature Introduction
Condition by Modifying Type Inference. |
Nr. 35 (1993) |

G. Minnen, D. Gerdemann: Direct Automated Inversion of Logic
Grammars. |
Nr. 40 (1994) |
T. Götz: Unique Normal Forms and Subsumption For Typed Feature
Structures. |
Nr. 45 (1994) |

G. Minnen: Predictive Left-to-Right Parsing of a Restricted
Variant of TAG(LD/LP). |
Nr. 58 (1994) |

E. Hinrichs, D. Meurers, T. Nakazawa: Partial-VP and Split-NP
Topicalization in German -- An HPSG Analysis and its
Implementation. |
Nr. 59 (1994) |

P. J. King: An expanded logical formalism for head-driven phrase
structure grammar. |
Nr. 60 (1994) |

S. Kepser: A Satisfiability Algorithm for a Typed Feature
Logic. |
Nr. 95 (1997) |

E. Hinrichs, D. Meurers, F. Richter, M. Sailer, H. Winhart: Ein
HPSG-Fragment des Deutschen. Teil 1: Theorie. |
Nr. 130 (1998) |
G. Minnen: Off-Line Compilation for Efficient Processing with
Constraint-logic Grammars. |
Nr. 132 (1999) |

V. Kordoni (ed.): Tübingen Studies in Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar. |
Nr. 134 (1997) |

T. Goetz, G. Penn: A Proposed Linear Specification
Language. |
Nr. 135 (1999) |

G. Penn: Tractability and Structural Closures in Attribute Logic
Type. |
Nr. 136 (1999) |

G. Penn, K. Steinicke: Compiling Feature-Based Constraints with
Complex Antecedents. |
Nr. 137 (1999) |

G. Penn: A Parsing Algorithm to Reduce Coying in
Prolog. |
Nr. 138 (1999) |

G. Penn: An Optimised Prolog Encoding of Typed Feature
Structures. |
Nr. 140 (1999) |

G. Penn: Optimising Don't Care Non-Determinism with Statistical
Information. |
Nr. 141 (1999) |

G. Penn: A Quasi-Ring Construction for Compiling Attributed Type
Signatures. |
Nr. 144 (1999) |

M. Steinbach: Notes on Parenthetical Constructions. |
Nr. 145 (2000) |

D. Meurers: Lexical Generalizations in the Syntax of German
Non-Finite Constructions. |
Nr. 148 (2000) |

T. Götz: Feature Constraint Grammars. |
Nr. 154 (2000) |

O. Suhre: Computational Aspects of a Grammar Formalism for
Languages with Freer Word Order. |
Nr. 156 (2000) |

J. Tseng (ed.): Aspekte eines HPSG-Fragments des
Deutschen. |
Nr. 158 (2000) |

K. De Kuthy: Discontinuous NPs in German - A Case Study of the
Interaction of Syntax, Semantics and
Pragmatics. |
No. 161 (2003) |

M. Sailer: Combinatorial Semantics and Idiomatic Expressions in Head-Driven
Phrase Structure Grammar. |