MiLCA Fall Symposium 2003 - E-Learning in Computational LinguisticsThe event takes place
at the
ParticipantsWe invite everyone who is currently teaching in the field of computational linguistics or a neighboring field and has a strong interest and / or background in E-Learning to participate in the event. Places are limited. We therefore recommend to apply soon. Please direct your statement of interest to the address mentioned below.TopicsThe workshop will cover the following topics:
GrantsParticipants from the Central and Eastern Europe countries will receive a grant. The Department of Linguistics, Unversität Tübingen, will - in case of approval - cover the costs for accomodation and board for the duration of the event and will provide a grant towards the travel expenses. Applications are to be sent to the "Internationales Zentrum der Universität Tübingen". More details and application forms are available from the center's homepage.ContactDr. Lothar LemnitzerSeminar für Sprachwissenschaft / Computerlinguistik Wilhelmstr. 19 72 074 Tübingen E-Mail: lothar@sfs.uni-tuebingen.de |